Thoughtcrime Ant Limited Edition Hand-Painted Embellished Paint, Stencil, Acrylic on Wood by Bask Graffiti Street Artist Modern Pop Art.
"These pieces are a continuation of my Thoughtcrime series. The Ant image is painted on a series of weathered panels. This set was completed within the past month. It’s hard to say how long they took to create because salvaging the panels from a variety of places over a long time is just as much of a part the art as laying down the paint on top of them. Each piece has it’s own history embedded onto itself.Each piece is hand crafted and each panel has been painted and processed by me. I like the idea of small production works that let people get a original piece of art for the cost of some prints these days.I have been saving these panels for a while and finally it was time to cut them down and make some art out of them. Paintings of the same stenciled image but each looking 100% original to itself. Each piece has it’s own distinct character and personality while keeping the repetition of the Thoughtcrime." - BASK